Online Yoga Teachers' Training

Our 200-hour online Soham Yoga Teacher Training provides an opportunity to deeply enrich your practice and understanding of yoga. This comprehensive YTT will give you a strong foundation for yoga philosophy and practice through detailed videos, readings, workbooks, handouts, and lectures. Through our program, you can work through the curriculum at your own convenience or attend any of our live zoom calls.

Date: Dates will be announced soon

Timings – Indian time :  Mon, Tue, Wed – 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.

Fri, Sat – 12.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Thursday, Sunday  : Holiday

Fees: For Indians – Rs. 35000

For Others – 500 $

  • Classes will happen through Zoom.
  • Post session recording will also be available.
  • Govt of India and Yoga alliance accredited Certification.
  • Last date for the registration is November 05.

Fees are nonrefundable-

  • Indians can pay through PhonePe or Google pay to 9799791717
  • Egyptians can pay through Instapay – yogi.gowd@instapay
  • Others contact us for knowing payment method.

After making the payment kindly don’t forget to contact us through watsapp 0091-9980152222

This training program, based on the traditional Hatha Yoga practice and Astanga Primary series. This programme has been designed not just to train the physical body, but to initiates ones spiritual journey towards self-realization by union of body, mind and soul.


This course is open to all students who wish to deepen their knowledge and application of some of the highest teachings of yoga. Participants do not need to be yoga teachers. Mastery of any yoga practice is not necessary. Only your sincere desire for knowledge and your commitment to personal growth. Even if you do not wish to are required be a yoga teacher, you may attempt this course to deepen the understanding of the philosophies as well as for the intense purification experience and for the personality development. Classes start at the Beginners’ Level and progress through to the Intermediate Level.

Course Content:

  • Yogic and Ayurveda Dinacharya
  • History and Development of Yoga- Definition of Yoga, Philosophy of Yoga, Principles of Yoga, Aim of Yoga, History of Yoga, Evolution of Yoga, Paths of Yoga- Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Navavidha Bhakti (The nine limbs of devotion), Patanjali Astanga- Yama, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi, Introduction to Hatha Yoga and Classical Hatha Yoga Texts, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Hatha Yoga Pradipika , Bhagavathgeetha
  • Philosophy, Lifestyle, Ethics and Principles of Yogic Practice- Meaning of Om, Brahma and Brahman, Gurukul (Education system in Ancient India) , Karma Siddhantha (The Doctrine of Karma), Samsara (Cycle of Birth and Death), Avatar (Reincarnation), Moksha (Liberation), Sthitha Prajna (Steady and one pointed mind), Purushartha (The purpose of Life), Four Ashrams (Four stages of Life), Pancha, Maha Bootha (Five Elements), Pancha Prana (Five Vital forces), Pancha Koshas(Five Body Sheath), Tri Gunas (The Three Qualities), Maya (Illusion), Ahamkara (Ego), Vidya and Avidya (Wisdom and Ignorance), Veda (Scriptures of wisdom, knowledge or vision), Types of Vedas, Upavedas (Sub Vedas),  Concept of Chakras.
  • Guru Shishya Parampara (Concept of Teacher and Lineage)- Contribution of different Yoga Gurus
  • Anatomy & Physiology- Systems of the human body, their meaning and functions, Nervous, Skeletal and Muscular systems and their co-relations in context of yoga practice, Respiratory system in the context of yoga, Bones, Muscles, Joints, Spine structure and mobility, Joint Actions , Planes of motion, Types of muscular contractions, analyses of muscular work in asana practice, Introduction to Ayurveda and Panchakarma
  • Techniques Training & Practice- Concept of Yogic Diet and Fasting, Ayurvedic approach of Diet (Practical cooking session), Kriyas- Theory and practice, Benefits and contraindications, Jala Neti, Sutra Neti, Shanka Prakshalana (Laghu Shanka Prakshalana), Vaman Dhauti (Kunjal Kriya), Kapalabhati, Trataka, Bandhas- Theory and practice, Benefits and contraindications, Moola Bandha, Uddhiyana Bandha, Jalandhar Bandha, Maha Bandha, Drishtis- Theory & practice, Mudras- Theory and practice, Different types of Mudra, Pranayama- Prana, Pancha Prana, Pranic body function, Pranic body, Nadis, Steps of Pranayama & General Precaution about Pranayama, Abdominal/Diaphragmatic breathing, Thoracic breathing, Yogic Breathing, Nadi Shodhana, Shitali Pranayama, Shikari Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama, Bastrika Pranayama, Kapalabhati, Dharana and Dhyana (Concentration and Meditation Techniques)- Jyothi Trataka, Silent Sitting (Vipassana), OM Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Sufi Meditations, Silent Walking in Nature, Mandala Meditation, Sculpture Meditation, Healing light Meditation, Soham Meditation (Self Enquiry), Sparsha Meditation, Guided Meditation, Benefits of Meditation
  • Teaching Methodology  and Practicum – Language and Communication Skill, Art of Teaching- Teacher’s qualities, intention & attitude, teaching styles, observation, giving instructions, feedback, sequencing, class management & class routine, principles of demonstration, theory and practice, how to demonstrate, how not to demonstrate, practice in groups, Tasks of Yoga Teacher, Safety- How to teach and practice Yoga without injuries, First Aid and CPR, Difference between Yoga and other Physical practices, Sukshma Vyayama, Hatha Yoga Suryanamaskara, Hatha Yoga Asanas, Garbha Sanskar (Prenatal and Post Natal Yoga), Yoga for Kids, Yoga for Senior citizens, Chair Yoga, Going in and out of the postures, Key of the postures, Modifications for beginners and students with injuries (multi-level modifications), Alignment and adjustment by verbal, hands-on, props, partners, Art of touch- physical adjustment, rules and principles, Yoga Calligraphy, Sequencing Fundamentals- How to Plan Yoga Sequence?, Sequencing- Various schools of Yoga, Class Preparation Sheet, Self-Evaluation Sheet, Self-practice under teacher’s control (individual tips), Practice of teaching under teacher’s control, Practice of teaching in pairs, Practice of teaching in small groups, Practice of teaching in big group, Open free class for people under teacher’s control
  • Mantra Chanting and Bhajans
  • Yogic General Knowledge, Sanskrit terms
  • Yoga as Career/ Yoga Entrepreneur- Yoga in the marketplace, Applying for a Yoga Job, Setting up a Yoga studio, Ethics and Marketing strategies, Public Relations / Advertising


An internationally recognized certificate from the Soham Ayur Yoga Ashram is awarded on successful completion of the course. The diploma is entitled ‘Yoga Shikshak’ for Level 1. This course is officially recognized and Affiliated by B&WSSC under NSDC (Skill Management & Accreditation of Training Centres), Registered by YCB- AYUSH Govt of India, Accredited to Shobhit University UP and Registered with Yoga Alliance (RYS 200 & RYS 300).

Course Donations:

Overseas students – 500 US $
For Indian students- 35000 Rupees

(Complete payment should be done to confirm your registration)

* Please note there will be separate exam fee for Yoga Certification Board, If Government Yoga Certificate is required for the student, This is optional only. please contact us for YCB fees details.

Refund Policy:

  • Please note that the fees is non refundable.
  • We understand the importance of your time and resources, so we advise you to please book after careful assessment.
  • In case of a cancellation performed by Soham Ayur Yoga Ashram, due to any unavoidable circumstances, full fees or booking amount will be refunded to the student without any charges. It does not apply to cancellations done due to misconduct or unlawful activity performed by a student during a course.
  • Soham Ayur Yoga Ashram holds all rights to refuse or cancel admission without explanation in case of a serious misconduct or unlawful activity by any student on or off the premises.