Ayurveda Massage and Panchakarma Training Course

Coures Name: Ayurveda Massage and Panchakarma Training Course
Short term Ayurvedic Abhyangam Massage Course

Duration: 1 month residential

Dates: Dates will be announced soon

Location: International Soham Ayur Yoga Ashram, Bangalore Outskirts, Aladhakate Village.

Course Content:

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Basic principles of Ayurveda
    – Dosha
    – Dhatu
    – Mala
  • Bio metabolism
  • Agni & Panchamahabutas
  • Prakriti and assessment
  • Introduction to Panchakarma
  • Samsarjana Karma with practical
  • Choornas in ayurveda
  • Pancha Gyanendriya
  • Eye care
  • Skin care
  • Dinacharya
  • Basti – Theory
    – Greeva Basti
    – Janu Basti
    – Kati Basti
  • Hridhaya Suddhi Karan
  • Lepam
  • Vestanam
  • Shirodhara
  • Takradhara / Kashayadhara
  • Oil & Ghee preparations


  • Abhyangam
    – Shirodhara
    – Pada/Hastabhyangam
  • Swedanam – Full body & Nadi swedanam
  • Valukapotali
  • Patrapotali
  • Navarakizhi
  • Udvartanam
  • Podikizhi
  • Nasyam
    – Kajal preparation
    – Netra basti
    – Netra tarpanam
    – Under eye pack
  • Mukhalepanam
    – Karnapuram
    – Gandush
    – Role of Dinacharya
    – Dhumapana
  • Basti – Practical
    – Griva Basti
    – Janu Basti
    – Kati Basti
  • Kashaya & Niruha basti
  • Hridhaya Suddhi Karan – Practical
  • Lepam
  • Vestanam
  • Shirodhara
  • Takradhara / Kashayadhara
  • Raktamokshana

Karma yoga:

Karma yoga is the practice of selfless service which helps guests to feel part of the ashram. You are expected to do up to one hour of selfless service per day within ashram.


Simple satvic vegetarian food is provided freely for all students. The food menu is standardized and students will be provided with 2 meals every day. The food served is mainly fruits, vegetable, cereals rice and nutritional keeping in mind the requirements of the students yoga sadhana. All meals will be served in the Dining Hall only and students will not be allowed to eat in the rooms.


Visa and International traveling arrangements, local transport should be done by students itself, but if you needed any assistance our authorized travel agent Travel plus from Delhi will be available for your service. Contact us for more details. Pick up and drop facility from the airport to Soham Ayur Yoga Ashram will be arranged for the students on additional charges. For local travel needs, a Travel desk facility will be made available at the reception.


  • Free Accommodation is provided for all students.
  • Dormitory is the only main accommodation available. It is simple and clean with shared bathrooms. Separate dormitory space for men and ladies.
  • Couples are not allowed to share rooms during the course.
  • Bathroom facilities are with cold water only.
  • Two sheets, a pillow, pillowcases, and mosquito net are provided.
  • Accommodations are subject to availability.

Course Donations:

Overseas students – 1500 US $
For Indian students- 55000 Rupees

Refund Policy:

  • If you cancel your registration before the start of the course, we will refund your original payment less an administration fee of US $300 for Overseas student and Rs.10000 for Indian students.
  • For a no show, no refund will be issued.
  • Students leaving the course before completion are required to return all teaching materials and uniforms.

Important Note:

  • Dates and donations are subject to change without notice.
  • To maintain the spiritual atmosphere, we ask all ashram guests to comply with the ashram rules.
  • Kindly refer to the Ashram rules and guidelines for more information.
  • The ashram reserves the right of admission and students may be asked to leave if their behavior goes against the ashrams rules and teachings.

What to bring:

Comfortable clothes, blanket, sandals, toiletries, personal items, meditation shawl for cool evenings, yoga mat, meditation cushion, notebooks, pens, towels and a torch. These items can usually be purchased in our ashram boutique “Soham Divine Store”. Uniforms and a TTC Manual are included in the course donation.


Foreign Nationals are required to bring their original passport with a valid visa for India and visa should be valid for the full duration of the course.

Registration and making donation:

You can register online below or contact us to register, or you can also transfer the course donation to our Foundation bank account to confirm your registration (please contact us for bank details) and please do inform us through email or phone after transferring the course donation.

Apply Online