Date: April 22 to April 30
How many of you remember your childhood days during summer holidays visiting your granny’s house and playing Buguri, Ala guli mane, Kunte bille, Goli, Lagori, Chini-Dandlu, Kho Kho and other folklore games with your relatives and beloved friends. It was so fun filled and quality time, isn’t it? But see your children now, aren’t they too much addicted to mobile, television and many other gadgets? You know that they are detrimental the health and well-being, affecting their brain and causing mental illness, increased aggression, language problem, physical growth and importantly forgetting the touch with the mother Nature. Yes, this is the right time to take action and help your child to find the right balance and embrace the real and virtual world.
Please enroll your child to our “Back to the Roots” Sumer Programme. Back to the Roots is a fun filled and profound experience of 07 days’ residential program in Soham Ayur Yoga Ashram for Children aged from 6 to 13 years.
This summer camp programme which takes place every year from April 22 to April 30 also inculcates children to make life-style change, for example eating habits, live food like fruits, vegetable salads, sprouted nuts and seeds. The Ashram is in a quiet and serene environment far from the madding crowd. This course teaches children how to live close to nature, healthier and spiritual. The ashram schedule is modified to fit the children needs. We take only 30 admissions per batch, Daily schedule will be starting from 6.00 am till 8 pm, Separate dormitory accommodation for boys and girls.